Monday, July 2, 2007


Why this blog?

A. I have developed a sort of passion for cooking.
B. I am a big foodie.
C. I dont like spending too much time in the kitchen.
D. I scribble recipes on pieces of paper and lose them soon enough.
E. I enjoy hosting friends and parties.
F. I own a couple of cookbooks but rarely use them.
G. I want to collect recipes from all over the place and store it in one place.
H. I want to have a constructive blog :)
I. I will be stealing recipes from friends and family, so its a pretty exclusive collection; and I want to share it with them.
J. From someone who never even made a cup of Tea in the first 21 years of her life to somone who aspires to have a recipe blog, the transition has been long. It has taken a few cuts and a few burns but every cuilinary experiment has been fulfilling and fun.
K. Special thanks today to all the people who have always supported me by eating whatever junk i dished out.

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